Strongest on California Science Education on
Climate Change & Energy
ClimateChangeEducation.Org welcomes, encourages others to help promote science education on climate change & energy in California. We are quite glad to work with you and be of assistance. We have been dedicated to this field for over 8 years, working with scores of organizations listed in this catalog -- and we are based in California.
A coalition of scores of very effective organizations, working from many angles. ClimateChangeEducation.Org encourages the Climate Crisis Coalition to include partnerships with science educators an important component of its work.
Work in Sonoma County in many ways has been the state leader. One of the first to work with local schools and educators.

Cool the Earth 
Engaging kids and their families in climate change
by motivating
them to take simple, measurable actions to
conserve energy.
Collectively, these actions, and an increased
awareness of energy,
will make a significant impact on global warming.
For K-8 students
and their parents, families.
CI has done fine work with
local museums, such as the California Academy of Sciences
Earth Day Network is expanding a network of educators. We've worked with you on Earth Days for over a decade. Let's make great things happen here in California.
Library, Resource Center and Bookstore.
Mostly focused on public awareness advertising and public service announcements.
Very promising work: FtN encourages college professors, students, k12 schools all to develop and share solid science curriculum, education resources and experience. Not a "let's take things slow, I get paid by the hour" organization.
ICLEI does do some science education, with government officials as the audience.
NWF is showing interest in working with educators in California -- a welcome development.
The Sierra Club produces fine educational material with the intended audience primarily being its membership. As almost all the national environmental organizations, SC's main public work is focused on policy. Plans have been discussed for years for the Sierra Club in California to give assistance in the field of public education; essentially however, to date and to our knowledge, they haven't found themselves making that leap.
Long term commitment to education on solar energy.
The Union of Concerned Scientists produces wonderful materials for educators and the general public -- some of the best available. They are an exceedingly valuable resource. However, UCS's focus is on research and policy.